sorry, i lied
[yarra people if youre looking at it from work you wont be able to see it so go to a public access machine...not that it will really be worth your time in all honesty]
monster trucks [26 sec]::
demolition derby [13 sec]::
batman [19 sec]:
click here to see the exact same scene that was posted from an audience member sitting at a different part of the stadium. im now getting stalked by monster truck freaks.
laser intro [71 sec]:
final post
many libraries have some time to go before we can incorporate these technologies as service offerings. for example, at yarra we cant use delicious tagging - basically any 3rd party application - because they pose a real security risk, and there are understandable bandwith issues for podcasting and youtube. but at the very least our council IT department now understands that libraries are pushing for these things and will continue to do so.
my suggestions for enhancing the course would be to update the 'things' for forthcoming courses to include things such as the concept of vodcasting inthe youtube section, and social networking sites such as facebook which have come good library related applications. also to provide (or look into at least) alternatives to track staff progress for staff who do not wish to blog, because this has perhaps been one of the biggest hinderances to progress and a point on contention for some people.
most importantly i have enjoyed reading my colleagues' blogs. there is such a diversity of interest out there. i hope that they continue blogging about things that they are passionate about. maybe the SLV could create a listing of staff blogs across all the vic public library services who wish to share their blogs with each other and continue writing?
Lynette and Leslie - a pesonal thank you for your work in getting this set up and your monitoring of progress i can see that it really is an enourmous task and victorian public libraries have been really fortunate to have had the opportunity to do this course, even though I moaned about a couple of things.
the podcast post
with digital audio technology things have changed. podcasting is the new pirate radio. however I think the same rules of producing need to apply - that is understand your audience and their limitations. just because you can produce a podcast it doesnt necessarily mean that you should. i read somewhere that as a guide 30 min should be the maximum length of a podcast cause the audience will loose interest if its too long.
here's a list of podcasting libraries. many great ideas for libraries here such as reviews and talks.
RSS feed of the day

when I was delivered this site of japanese manhole covers, each which reflects the unique identity of the town/city (with a bit of whimsy thrown in) I immediately began to think of the exciting possiblities of a city of yarra manhole cover.
here are my suggestions, which I am thinking of submitting to staff the roads department, of which I now have direct access. if anyone else has other ideas please submit.
- culturally diverse yarra: johnston st fiesta - a bullfight scene with a local paint sniffer becoming confused about what is real and what is an illusion
- street vitality in yarra: guythrowing up on the sidewalk after a big night
- yarra pets and children: kid milking cow at collingwood childrens farm. how cute!!!
- intellectual yarra: young guy (wearing some sort of ethnic scarf) casually studying manuscript in cafe on brunswick st, preferably marios
you looked better on myspace
ive had an on again off again relationship with 'statement t shirts'. they were kind of cool in the 90s indie music high period, when you could make some kind of political/ironic statement though a single, simple,word emblazoned on your raglan sleeve bonds T (ie "slacker"). we used to make our own with iron on lettering bought from the local haberdashery store, thinking that we were really alternative. however, once Dangerfield starting mass producing "im a princess" "vote for pedro" and the like I that they became a bit lame.
so now i proceed with caution when i see slogan t shirts.
however, taking the long meandering route to get the the crux of this post, here's an exception, which found this on a powerpoint presentation about teens and 2.0.
you looked better on myspace alludes to the double lives that we can live in the 2.0 world. i think i read something somewhere about people's avatars (online pictorial representation of oneself) seeping into their real person. scary.