
thing 13 is delicious

i use delicious for when I come across an internet article that I want to read, but don't have time at that moment. delicious allows me to tag the site with the click of a button and come back later. and when I come back to review my collection of tagged sites i have the chance to either keep them it if they are worthwhile, or delete if not. i use it as a reading list, rather than a 'favourites' list. but i think that's ok as there is no particular way to use delicious.

im a bit embarrased to share my list though, cause there's a wide range of sites that probably won't appeal to any particular person unless you are me. for example, in my current delicious set I have train timetables for central japan, handbag enthusiast blog sites, stuff about creating southpark avatars, alia links, and various social technologies articles.

so unless you are a handbag collecting southpark loving podcast learning wiki adding japanophile, then you may not appreciate to the fullest extent my set of tagged sites.

in summary, delicious is one of the few 2.0 tools that I do actively use.
