the dragonfruit, pictured, is also known as pitaya or huo lóng guo. it is the fruit of a cactusy looking tree thing in southeast asia and in the right season you can pick them up at asian grocery stores in melbourne. they are really tasty and make the perfect accompaniment to a fruity summer cocktail on a balmy night.
this cocktail builder [click on link] takes what liquids you have around the place and tells you what cocktail you can whip up. i found it on the web 2.0 awards site, where it won first place in the 'fun' section. and deservedly so.
however, one small flaw that i noticed in this 2.0 application was that it only accepted legitimate beverages into the cocktail equation. that is, when i tried to enter 'detergent', 'bleach', 'shampoo', 'nail polish remover', 'grey water' and 'molotov' into the text field i was summarily rejected each time. yet it accepted coca cola, which is arguably more caustic than all of the above combined.
which means that the site won't be of help when i want to invite my neighbour who has loud parties which last until 5am in the morning on schoolnights for cocktails.
the web 2.0 directory is out of control. it's quite daunting. i probably have heard of 5% of the applications, maybe less than that. but knowing what you want is a matter of reading what more informed people have to say about particular applications, and also relying on sites like the awards site which filters the good from the bad. thats where rss feeds and tags come in handy.
3 条评论:
Hello Two Point Oh- your cocktail looks great, and I will bear your plans to poison neighbour in mind, if I ever come to drinks at your place. Not that I am inviting myself!
I really need to spend some time on my Blog as I have to keep up! I am resigned to never winning a prize.
The cocktaill builder may be an idea for a different type of Christmas party...or perhaps a party when Learning 2.0 is completed!!
keep up the good work
Love the look of the Dragontini. Lovely looking fruit but rather bland tasting i found.
I question. Do people read their comments? One person whose blog i added to didn't even realise it had the comment link.