hawaii has been responsible for many wonderful things in the world, such as pizza toppings and tv police dramas. the latest of these good things is the wiki. wiki means fast in hawaiian. and to keep true to that spirit I am going to type this posting really fast.
i think that wikis are great online collaboration tools. as shown from the examples they have myriad uses in libraries like documenting library procedures, or for book recommendations. wikis take the concept of online interaction a step further than blogs as participants have the opportunity to not only comment on existing content but create new content for themselves. they accord an increased level of trust (ie not to spoil or stuff up the content or deliberately misinform...speaking of which I remember that there was some nice work in this field for our PM recently) in the user.
the ways wikis work are user friendly, so errors are easily fixed, as i discovered when i added my blog to the plmc learning wiki. I also a new 'favourite web tools' link on the sidebar. i think that once you understand the general concept of adding links and images then its pretty easy to transpose this knowledge to many online social collaborative spaces.
i also couldn't help by add my favourite sports star to the sports pages, who also happens to be hawaiian...