
flickr not fun

flickr is all well and good, until you try to merge a couple of old accounts and lock yourself out altogether. which i recently did.

so instead of extolling the virtues of flickr i am going to have a major bitch about how I emailed the 'help' desk about 3 weeks ago to ask them for assistance, and have yet to hear back from them. i'm taking bets that my email went into their 'inbox' never to be seen again.

technology is wonderful and amazing until it fails you. just like i can never rely on the spine label printer to work every time (which it never does, guaranteed) one should also not count on things in 2.0 land. especially those which are free.

how does flickr fit into our library service? in short, at present it doesn't, we don't have an active enough online patronage to warrant it.

but that doesnt mean that librarians should ignore it, however. there may be a time when it will be useful. on a personal level it's a great photosharing tool amongst friends. it's also a nice tool for librarians who like to network beyond physical boundries. as you can see in the image above, i have done my bit for team librarian and made my own librarian trading card, many of which are featured on flickr. They are all pulled together from disparate photo albums with a unified tag. i simpsonified myself using a simpsons the movie online image generator. i think it's a good likeness.

On my trading card I've quoted F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Great Gatsby. to read the quote you need to click on the image to enlarge it. Fitzgerald mentions sobriety and being in the library - he's clearly never been to Yarra (moot point: he's dead and american).
