im writing this post from google docs. I LOVE IT! im also trying to find ways to add more bling to this blog. wish me luck.
i have a question. how many times one read a post on how great and life changing rss feeds are before they become completely and utterly over it? i would like to state that I'm not dissing RSS feeds, blogs, and the like - they are invaluable tools for our profession and everyone needs to be aware of them at least. but I am detecting a small pocket of resistance to blogging about them. I know that people are more than happy to do the learning, but not create a blog entry about it. i wonder if there is another way to measure staff progress on this course?
the whole point of a blog is to engage one's audience in a meaningful and open dialogue. it's social software, and a good blog is one that has readers responding to particular posts and coming back to it again and again. if you are not the type of person who likes doing this type of stuff then it can be a pretty painful exercise...
for the record i would say 5 is my limit.
3 条评论:
I think you have put that well Two-point OH! And I have been neglecting my Blog this last week.
Somehow my fire for Blogdom has been quenched.No bling for me. Actually I could do with some bling right now to get me going, danelion root will have to do the trick.
PS I looked at Library etiquette Blog and I enjoyed it and have added it to Bloglines
I have stopped writing blog entries about exercises we are currently doing on Web 2.0 as it seems quite pointless at times. If I lioke something I will add it to my blog as bling but writing about it, no thanks. I would much rather write book reviews, pop culture references and whatever other ephemera fills my mind but the idea of being forced to write something seems to go against the idea of blogging, which is about what takes your fancy.
So no prizes for me, but I'm much happier doing what takes my fancy.
Yes i agree. I am cutting down my comments because iot's getting too repetative and with some of the latest quite confusing as i have looked at the same thiong for more than one exercise, or too ealry, or whatever. Perhaps just a one sentence comment and then onto the interesting stuff